Fresh Book Friday!

Three Rivers Library System has added a new book kit title to borrow!

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We currently have 10 copies available to borrow of :

Between the Lines by Nikki Grimes

A companion book to Bronx Masquerade, this novel is about a kid taking a poetry class to become a better journalist. Darrian dreams of writing for the New York Times. To hone his skills and learn more about the power of words, he enrolls in Mr. Ward’s class, known for its open-mic poetry readings and boys vs. girls poetry slam. Everyone in class has something important to say, and in sharing their poetry, they learn that they all face challenges and have a story to tell—whether it’s about health problems, aging out of foster care, being bullied for religious beliefs, or having to take on too much responsibility because of an addicted parent. Check out this 2024 One Book One Nebraska Teens Book.
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