
The Three Rivers Library System offers a variety of services to its member libraries, including:

| Consulting | Continuing Education |


The Three Rivers Library System offers professional consulting to its member libraries via phone, email and in person.

Examples of consulting services offered:

  •  On-site training for library staff on a variety of topics including strategic planning, public library accreditation, trustee/board certification, public librarian certification, children and young adult services, technology, library personnel management
  •  Attendance at a library’s board meeting to discuss library-related issues and concerns including accreditation and certification
  •  Meetings with new directors to become familiar with TRLS services and orientation to the roles and responsibilities of the position
  •  Providing samples of policies, reports, long range plans, etc.
  •  Providing information on library accreditation, state statutes, funding, or library statistics
  •  Providing contact information for people involved in library-related issues at a regional and state level
  •  Helping with grant applications

Please contact our office if you would like to schedule a meeting or if you would like more information on how TRLS can support your library.

Continuing Education

Throughout the year, the Three Rivers Library System will offer a variety of training and continuing education opportunities.  Topics will include accreditation and certification, technology, automation, OverDrive, and library services for multicultural/diverse populations. Details about training opportunities are being drafted but will likely include a Summer Reading Program workshop, school library training day, annual meeting with continuing education sessions, and a Youth Services retreat.

TRLS also partners with the other Nebraska Regional Library Systems (NRLS), Nebraska Library Commission (NLC), Nebraska Library Association (NLA) and Nebraska School Librarians Association (NSLA) to provide well-rounded programs and bring in nationally known speakers.

All continuing education events are posted on the NLC’s calendar, in our  newsletter, and on the TRLS email list-serv.


The Three Rivers Library System publishes an online newsletter twelve times per year.  The newsletter highlights item of interest to eastern Nebraska librarians as well as providing information on continuing education, grant and funding opportunities.

Our current issue:

Find out current TRaiLS issue here. 
Find back issues of newsletters from all of Nebraska’s Regional Library Systems here.

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