Serving the citizens of Dodge NE and the surrounding areas
Don’t forget to participate in all of our Thanksgiving FUN! We are having a coloring contest and we want to know how your children think a turkey is prepared!!! Check out all the fun below!
The JRM Library is hosting a coloring contest for Thanksgiving!
ALL entries due to the Library by November 20.
There will be 6 different age groups. A winner will be picked from each age group. You will win a yummy thanksgiving treat and a book!
Age Groups:
Kindergarten & Under
1st & 2nd Grade
3rd & 4th Grade
5th & 6th Grade
7th-12th Grade
All entries will be displayed. Please put your name, age, grade and school on the BACK of the coloring page!
Stop in to see what items are showing up this week!!! OR bring in any extra produce you might have and start selling! It is FREE to set up a table at the Farmers Market!
Find more info about the Farmers Market and a printable vendor application under the Library Events TAB.
Check out these FUN coloring pages! One for all ages, even adults!!! Color one and bring it to the library for us to display!!! We our patrons!! #JRMLibrary