September 2013
Cruise to the Bahamas – Good; Time spent with family – Great; Two-week anniversary trip with my husband of 40 years – PRICELESS!!! It was a busy summer and fall. And, so fun! Thanks, Hubby!
Cruise to the Bahamas – Good; Time spent with family – Great; Two-week anniversary trip with my husband of 40 years – PRICELESS!!! It was a busy summer and fall. And, so fun! Thanks, Hubby!
Two weeks early! Everything this spring and summer is two weeks early. Including harvest which will be starting here by the end of the week. Be especially careful and courteous on the roads this season as you manuever around the large combines, trucks and grain carts on the road. It can …
The warmest March on record is being followed by a cool and windy April. I know that wind is a part of the NE climate, but I sure get tired of it blowing all the time. Many of us have learned to appreciate the wind for windmills when necessary. I also can …
We got it again!!! Lots of hail and wind. This has been some summer for weather. Many across the country are facing drought and record high temps; others tornados or floods. Wondering if anyone has it great this year? Lord willing, we’ll have a better ‘next summer’.
I admit it. I have never liked spring cleaning. I guess I’ve never seen the need for it though I helped my Mom and also my grandmothers with it occasionally (under protest). I’m more of a “Clean-By-The-See” woman. If I see it, it annoys me until I clean it. If I …
Harvest is underway and going strong. At least for some. It was short-lived for those of us who received hail. Good thing we don’t have all our eggs in one basket. The corn is coming back. And, although it was thinned out by the big white combine, God willing, we’ll …