Effective immediately, masks are optional for all patrons. We are in the process of opening up all the public computers for patrons use, and while that may take a while, those computers that are useable are back to having the usual 90 minute time limit per patron.
We are also leaving the practice of social distancing up to the patrons and staff, as they can set their own limits to what they personally are comfortable with. Newspapers and Magazines are available to the public, with no COVID-19 restrictions.
The Board of Trustees has voted to completely open the library with no restrictions starting May 1, 2021, which means that at that time, our programming will begin again in person. Our Summer Reading Program will kick off at the usual time, on June 1, and all the Program activities will be in person as usual. We will be able to announce program times for Lego Club and Story Time beginning in May.