What’s New at the Library

Even though our doors are closed to patrons, we would like to remind you we are still available to fill patron requests so that you will have plenty of library materials in your home. Go to our library website (www.holdregelibrary.org or www.holdregelibrary.com) and click on the online catalog link. Then…
Linda Davey Retires
Long-time library staff member, Linda Davey, has retired from the Holdrege Area Public Library. Plans to honor Linda have been postponed until a later date and will be shared when plans are set. If you would like to share your good wishes with Linda you may mail them to the…
Fun Activities for Kids
Earlier we posted a link for the Henry Doorly Zoo on this website (http://www.omahazoo.com/zoo-from-home). We would like to add the Lincoln Children’s Zoo to our website (https://www.lincolnzoo.org). If you like to see articles and ideas regarding children’s books and suggestions for great reads for your kids or to share as…
Nebraska Humanities Offering Programs Online
The Nebraska Humanities are offering several ways to experience theatre and concerts at home. Remember to let the Nebraska Humanities know which items you enjoy via e-mail https//humanitiesnebraska.org/aboutus/contact.html or on their Facebook page. The National Theatre will be streaming some of their past broadcasts for free on their YouTube channel…
How Can We Help You?
Right now we are all looking for things to keep ourselves and our families busy on long, dreary days. Variety is the spice of life and we would like to share some suggestions to enrich your time together. A few suggestions: Would you like a famous person to read a…
New Cards by Email
It’s pretty simple. Click here for the form. Fill it out, and email it back to us (info@holdregelibrary.org). We will create your card, and email to you the card number. You’ll have 3 months to show us your ID and upgrade your card to a full account, but in the…
New eBooks Available!
Thanks to the generosity of TumbleBooks, we are able to make their ebook libraries available to all patrons in the Phelps County area. Please use the links, Usernames, and Passwords to access the books they have for us! www.TumbleBookLibrary.com – K-6 children’s ebook database Direct Link: https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/auto_login.aspx?U=tumble735&P=books Username: tumble735 Password:…
Library Closure to Patrons
By order of the Library Board of Trustees, the Holdrege Area Public Library will be closed beginning March 18 to April 4 (inclusive). Materials dropped off for return will be checked in each day, so patrons do not have to worry about inaccurate overdue fines. If a patron desires materials,…
Logging into Library Website
We apologize if you are having problems logging into our library website lately. Here are two potential solutions. Log-in using www.holdregelibrary.org. Wait a little bit for the website address to process. If you still haven’t been able to log-in with the website address above, try this address instead: www.holdregelibrary.com. Still…