New Books: Paperback Fiction Blackwell, Juliet-The Paris Key Collins, Jackie-Drop Dead Beautiful Crandall, Susan-Whistling Past the Grave Yard Drake, Olivia-If the Slipper Fits Fitzpatrick, Flo-Aria In Ice Kwok, Jean-Girl In Translation Moyes, Jojo-The Last Letter From Your Lover Large Print Fiction Dunn, Scarlett-Christmas At Dove Creek Chamberlin, Holly-The Season of…

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Pre School Reading

Starting the fall Pre School Reading on September 26 at 10:00 am.  Due to changes in the school schedule, we have switched to Monday mornings.  Pre School Reading is for 2 year olds to pre-kindergarten kids.  Join us in story time, crafts, games, & learning activities.

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Library News

March is Youth Art Month.  To honor our school’s artistic talents, the high school and  the fourth and fifth grade classes have their work on display in our front windows.  Stop in to view this amazing display!      Again, we will have “Games and Movie Day” for the school children,…

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New books for January

Juvenile:  Bond, Rebecca-Escape From Baxter’s Barn; Davidson, Susann-Thumbelina; Gayton, Sam-Lilliput; Scieszka, Jon-Frank Einstein and the Brain Turbo; Kinney, Jeff-Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School; Lord, Cynthia-A Handful of Stars; Hest, Amy- Charley’s First Night; Andrews, Julie-The Very Fairy Princess Sparkles in the Snow; Wright, Johanna-Bunnies On Ice. Ault Large…

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