Book Bites – The Chestnut Man

2021 Winter Reading Program
December 1, 2020 – February 28, 2021
The Nebraska Regional Library Systems and the Nebraska Library Commission want citizens of
Nebraska to stay warm this winter and enjoy the terrific library books available in public libraries
across the state. To participate, go to ReaderZone.com or download the Reader Zone app on your
smart device. Register for the Snow Many Great Books! program with this 5-digit code 93723.
Complete at least eight of the twenty challenges by February 28th to be eligible for a Grand Prize
Drawing for one of three $50 Visa Gift Cards. Please choose books you’ve never read from your home
library. Books can be fiction or nonfiction, and J, YA, or Adult. Contest is open to all Nebraskans ages
10 and older. Drawing will be held March 15, 2021.
This activity is supported in part with funding from the State of Nebraska and from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provision
of the Library Services and Technology Act as administrated by the Nebraska Library Commission.
Starting on October 7, 2020. Ponca Carnegie Library will be open
Meet C’rona Comix.
Funded by the National Science Foundation, our team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is partnering with Marvel artist, Bob Hall, to create a weekly series of one-page comics about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic. See the comics here: worldofviruses.unl.edu/covid-19/