The Board of Trustees is composed of five members who are appointed to three-year terms by the Beemer Village Board. Their responsibilities include selecting and hiring a qualified Library Director; determining the purposes of the library and ensuring that the library has adequate funds; developing (with the Library Director) written policies, the strategic plan, and annual budget; and attending monthly Board meetings and other events.
Legal Powers of the Board of Trustees:
The legal power of the Karlen Memorial Library Board of Trustees shall be:
- To erect, lease, or occupy the library building.
- Appoint and determine the salaries and hours of the library staff.
- Establish regulations for governance of the library.
- Impose penalties for theft or damage to the library property or infraction of library regulations.
- Control library expenditures.
- Exercise the powers necessary to carry out the intent of statutes, regarding establishment and maintenance of a public library.
Board meetings, usually held at 5:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month, are open to the public.
To inquire about becoming a member of the Board of Trustees, contact the Library Director, Stephanie Payton at 402/528-3476.
Current Members:
Sarah Haber, President
Sandy Lierman, Vice President
Jackie Delmont, Secretary
Sue Martin
Sherri Harrington