I am a little late but I finally came up with my one word for the year! Last year my one word was Collaborate. And we would not have made it through the year without that very word. I love it. It is perfect for work and home both. In order to get anything done you have to learn to collaborate. And last year the very need to work together was so much greater. So before I start with the new word for 2021, I want to say thank you to all who helped us achieve the goal of working together in 2020. We could not have provided so many new services like the StoryWalk, Kindness Rock Hunt, Scavenger Hunt, Brown Bag crafts, Curbside service etc without you.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
Now, for 2021 my one word is Build.

I created this word cloud and will print it an put it on our wall in the library’s office. I am excited to see what we can achieve by focusing on this one word in 2021!
I am starting by updating our library’s website. Check it out an let us know what you think. I hope that this website becomes a staple resource for finding information. I want to make it simple yet effective in providing a landing page for our library and community.
Key updates I would like to highlight. The SERVICES and RESOURCES menu links at the top of the page both have drop down “sub-menus.” These hold some of our popular resource links and some new ones as well.
One new SERVICE is included with Nebraska Overdrive. Nebraska Overdrive has added Magazines to their collection! And a new RESOURCE we have added is the Cambridge Digitized Annuals. You should be able to click on that link to go to our files stored online. Check these out and again please let us know what you think!