Hello lovely and amazing librarians across the state of Nebraska!

Some of you know me, but most of you don’t — yet. My name is Tammy Marshall, and I am a lifelong resident of Nebraska — grew up in Papillion and Norfolk, went to college in Lincoln and later in Wayne for my master’s, and then taught English and Spanish (and other language-oriented classes such as speech, linguistics, and creative writing) for 30 years in Newman Grove and Neligh. For thirteen years, I’ve written a column about books and book-related topics for the Norfolk Daily News. That column is called “Novel Thoughts,” and last January it was picked up by the Bristol Herald Courier in Bristol, TN/VA, too. I write a variety of things, but my passion, and the thing I left teaching two years ago to focus on, is writing fiction, especially novels.
I am self-published — I spent the summer attempting to acquire an agent but didn’t have any luck . . . yet. I enjoy self-publishing, though, because I am in control of things that matter to me, like the covers of my books. Also, I really enjoy setting up and doing readings and presentations at libraries, bookstores, and literary events. That’s where some of you already know me from, and I appreciate those of you who have welcomed me into your libraries over the past year or so.
I’m hoping more of you will choose to do that. So far, I’ve appeared at about 30 libraries, and my books are housed in most of those. I would love to get that number up to 100 or more.
As you look ahead to programs you’d like to do in your libraries, I hope you will consider having me appear for a reading or a speaking engagement or both. I also hope you will check into my books and consider buying one or all of them for your libraries. They are all available through expanded distribution even though I used Amazon’s KDP to publish them, so they should show up in Ingram Sparks or other book-buying sites you may use. However, here is my author page on Amazon that shows all of the books, if you’d care to look at them: Tammy Marshall’s Amazon author page
As those who have purchased my books for your libraries already know, I am more than happy to personally bring you signed copies of my books for your libraries. Just let me know, and we can set up a time for that as well as a date for me to appear if you are interested in having me do that.
My newest novel is “Trouble on Tybee,” and, like all my books, there is a Nebraska connection in it. This one is minor compared to my other books, but Nebraska does come into play. It is the reason I am reaching out to all of you. I wanted to let those librarians who already have my first 4 books know that the 5th is now available, but I also wanted to reach out to every librarian in the great state of Nebraska to tell you about my newest book and about me and my previous books in the hope of being invited to your libraries.

I welcome any invitation to appear in your libraries, no matter the size of your facility or the number of attendees. I love building my readership one reader at a time, and meeting those who have read my books and loved them is a highlight of my life. I’m very accustomed to long car rides, too, so I welcome an invitation from any librarian, near or far.
Thank you for your consideration. Please visit my author website to learn more about me and what I write. I’d love to have some of you become subscribers to my weekly word-building posts called “Cognate Cognizance.” Feel free to follow me on any of the social sites, too. Here is a link to my website, and there is another below in my signature: Tammy Marshall’s author site
I hope to hear from you.
Tammy Marshall
author, novelist, columnist, blogger, speaker, Nebraska Writers Guild secretary
Facebook: @tammymarshallauthor
Instagram: #tammymarshallauthor
Twitter: @AuthorTammyM