February starts this Sunday. Where has January gone?? Many of you already have your displays prepared…red and pink hearts, books with the word “Heart” in the title, etc. Here are just a few display and program ideas for February. Follow our “Displays for Libraries” Pinterest Board for even more ideas.
Black History Month
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements and contributions to American history by African Americans. This year’s theme is A Century of Black Life, History, and Culture. Display material about African American music, art, and literature, and biographies of leaders in the Black Community. See http://www.asalh.org/ for more information.
National Bird Feeding Month
Plan a storytime centered on birds. Display books about wild birds, bird feeding, and bird houses.
Valentine’s Day (February 14)
Have you wanted to try the Blind Date With a Book program. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to start. Select a variety of fiction books and place blank book review slips in them. Wrap them in red and pink wrapping paper. Leave only the barcode uncovered. Make an eye-catching display near your circulation desk. As people check the books out, ask patrons to fill out the book review slip inside before returning them. This is a fun way to get people to read books by new or less popular authors.
Presidents’ Day (February 16)
A list of picture books about presidents and elections can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/mhqm6zb.