Monthly Archives: May 2018

Summer Reading Registration Ends, Friday, May 25

Registration for McCook City Library’s Summer Reading Program “Libraries Rock” will end Friday, May 25 at 5 pm.

Groups are: Kindergartner’s Unite (those going into kindergarten)

Tuesday 10-11:30 am   June 5-July 24

      1st and 2nd Graders

Tuesday 1:30-3:00 pm    June 5- July 24

   3rd and 4th Graders   

Thursdays 1:30-3:00 pm

   5th and 6th Graders

Wednesdays 1:30-3:00 pm


There will be no classes the week of July 4th. Must have library card to participate and current cards must be up to date and fine free.

Any questions please call the Library at 345-1906.


Holiday Hours at the Library

Reminder: The McCook City Library will be closed Saturday, May 26 thru Monday, May28 in observance of Memorial Day.  On Tuesday, May 29 our summer hours will begin: Monday-Friday 8:30 am-7:00 pm

Saturday 8:30 am-5:00 pm


Children’s Book Week Winners

Children winning books and treats during “Children’s Book Week in May include: Kolbe Foster, Jack Cochran, Zander Ralston, Landon Dickes, Isabel Bieker, Siobahn Cochran, Cali Crawford, Emma Sandberg, Kassadi Porter, Lucy Weber.

Also receiving books are: Rambler Farr, Merea Smith, Abigail Porter, Norah Smith, Analia Almanza, Grace Wahrman, Jaelyn Kuykendall, John White, Tyler Stritt and Kenzie Michaelis.   Congratulations to all!!!!!!