Archive for the 'Young Adult' Category

New Material

September is just abound the corner come in and check out our new material. We have many new titles in Large Print, as well as new kid books and don’t forget our STEAM KITS!! they come with some great activities and a book!!! We all so have many new kid books, and if you home […]

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Goodbye Summer Hello, School Year 2020!!

The theme for Summer Reading was “Imagiane your story” We had  45, 5 teens, and 10 adults. We had a total of 8 super readers who all read over 2000 pages the top two readers tied with 18,809 pages all together the kids read a total of 98,992 pages !!!! Here are all the readers […]

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Summer Reading begins!!

And we are off to a great start for summer reading, I’m excited and sad that we can’t have our Tuesday and Thursday adventures. But you can still come in to the library to check out books and or steam kits!! Don’t forget to log your pages read if you need help with the app […]

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Summer Reading Registration

Summer reading Registration started today and will end on June 5th you can come in and register from 1-5pm will start June 8th 2020 and end on July 31st 2020. However due to the COVID-19 Virus we will NOT be doing in person program we will have activity packets for the kids to take home […]

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Library WEEK!!

Here are some fun fact about Morrill Public Library!On the front of the building we have a sign that reads WPA built 1936, But the library was not completed until March 4, 1937! The Contractor didn’t like the color of the brick so he sent it all back and went to Nebraska City, NE and […]

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