Mango Languages

First go to the Morton-James Public Library online catalog here:

Sign into your account in the upper right hand corner of the catalog. Your username is you Library card number–just the number no letters. Your password is your phone number that is on your Library account with no spaces or dashes. Once you are logged in you can scroll down on the catalog web page under the “Electronic Resources” column and click on the Mango Languages icon.

A new page will open. From there you can sign in. If you have a Mango account sign in with you email and password. If you do not have an account, you may set up an account by scrolling down to where it says Don’t have an account? Sign Up! Click on the Sign Up button to begin. You can then browse a multitude of languages to learn on the go! Spanish, Italian, French, American Sign Language… even Pirate! And many, many more.

A video tutorial on logging into Mango Languages can be viewed below:

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