Mobile Wireless Printing

Use our wireless printing portal to send a print job from any desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone to the printer in the library. Pick up your print during regular Library hours.

You do not need a library card to use this service.

Pricing & How to Pay

Black & White: 10 cents a page

Color: 50 cents a page

  • Pay for printing using coin-op machine.
  • Accepts nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills.
  • Maximum amount coin-op will take is $5.
  • Divide documents over 50 pages into sections to send to the printer. All sections should be 50 pages or less.

Print Instructions

To send a print job, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to wireless printing portal: Click here to access our printing portal
  2. Choose Black & White or Color: Under the Printer heading select if you want to print in black and white or color

  3. Enter Email Address: Under the User Info heading enter your email address. (You will need this in the Library to retrieve your print job. You will not receive any emails from the Library.)
  4. Upload Document to Print: Under the Select Document heading, click on browse and attach the document or picture you wish to print. (If you are printing an attachment from an email you will need to first download the document to your device, then upload the document from your device.)
  5. Then click on the arrow on the bottom right of the screen.
  6. Number of Copies: The next screen is your Printing Options. Enter the number of copies you want to make of the document. Then select if you want to print all the pages of the document, or you can choose what range of pages you want to print (for examples, pages 2-5).
  7. Then click on the arrow on the bottom right of the screen.
  8. Review Print Job Details: Wait for the job to be approved. Once approved, the number of pages and the price per page will show on the screen. If this is correct, click on the green print icon on the bottom right of the page.
  9. Print Job Submitted: The next screen will appear. Wait a few seconds for your job to be approved. Once it is approved it is ready to print at the Library during regular Library hours. Save your Job Reference number in case there are any problems with your print job. Your print job will be held for three days.

In the Library

  1. Go to the Tech Center on the main floor of the library to pick up your print job.
  2. Go to the computer at the front of the room connected to the coin up and printer.
  3. Click on the icon to Release Print Job.
  4. In the second, lower box on the screen, enter your email.
  5. Selected the print job you would like to print, then click on the yellow printer Print icon at the top left of the screen.
  6. The amount you owe will appear on the screen. Click on Pay From the Vending Device.
  7. Put the money into the coin op. The machine will give change for extra money inserted for the job.
  8. Click “OK” on the computer screen.
  9. There will be a pause while your job is loaded and then the printer will print your document.
  10. Retrieve your change from the machine in the bottom slot.

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