NoveList Plus

Help finding your next read is on the way! Novelist Plus and Novelist K-8 Plus is available to use from the Morton-James Public Library catalog. Search for books by genre, topic, even mood! Search any title and on the right hand side of the screen “read-alikes” will be listed to guide you toward more titles like it. Search your favorite book and see what read-alikes there are out there. Novelist Plus is for adult reading level and Novelist K-8 Plus is designed for youth books!

To access these databases go to the Morton-James Public Library catalog here:

Next, log in to your account in the upper right hand corner. Your username is you Library card number–just the number no letters. Your password is your phone number that is on your Library account with no spaces or dashes. Once you are logged in you can scroll down on the catalog web page under the “Electronic Resources” column to find the Novelist Plus icons. They are almost at the bottom of the list. Click on the icon for Novelist or Novelist K-8.

Happy reading!

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