Curbside Service

To request items to pickup use our library catalog and follow the steps outlined at the top of the screen. 

You will need your library card number and the phone number you registered on your library account or the personal pin you set.  If you need hints for any of this information call the library at 402.363.2620 and we will help you.  All circulation rules apply so if you have fees over $5.00 on your account that will have to be cleared before you can place reserves.

After you are logged into your library account, search for items you are interested in using.  If the record is highlighted in green the item is in the library and ready to use.  If the record is pink, the item is not in the library but you can still reserve it and when it is returned we will let you know it is available.  For items with either status click the “Reserve this item” button at the top of the record to let us know what to collect for you.  You may have up to ten items on reserve at one time.

When we receive your request we will pull the items and call you to schedule a pickup time that meets your needs.  Text and email messages for available holds have been suspended until we return to regular business.  Depending on our schedule and number of requests it may take up to 24-hours for us to call you.

In order to verify that you are getting the correct items we will ask you to prepare a sign with the telephone number associated with your library account to hold up for us to verify we have the correct items for you.  When you arrive at the library to pickup your items, call 402.363.2620 to let us know you are in the parking lot.  We will come out with your items in a basket.  We will verify your phone number and then set the basket next to your car and step back to allow you to get out of your car and gather the items.  Leave the basket and return to your car.  We will collect the basket and return to the library.

Here are some video tutorials for additional tips on how to reserve items from the library.