Commencing May 1, 2015, the Central Plains Library System has the new 2015-16 Golden Sower Book Sets to Loan.
Primary Nominees (2 complete sets)
Intermediate Nominees (3 complete sets)
Young Adult Nominees (2 complete sets)
Each set may be borrowed for 6 weeks. This lets you provide your kids and teens with the opportunity to start on next year’s Golden Sower reading requirement now!
You may want to have a Golden Sower Reading Club this summer. Each child or teen reads a different Golden Sower and then gives a review. Then they swap the titles and come back together to talk about them again. Different than a regular book club, but definitely fun and it builds excitement for the Golden Sower Program.
Once school starts in the fall, individual school libraries and teachers may request sets to supplement the copies they have.
Contact the Hastings System Office to reserve the sets you want for the dates you want them.