What to do about smoky books?

Options offered by Megan Griffiths from the Gerald R Ford Conservation Center in Omaha:

* Put the books into an air-tight container (such as a large plastic box) with a small amount of “kitty litter” (aka Fuller’s earth). The kitty litter should be in some sort of container that has holes in it so that it will not get on the books but will still work to absorb the odor. Megan said the books, however, need to be standing open in order for the odor to be removed from all pages of the books.

* Megan suggested an alternative — use the same method above related to putting the books into an air-tight container, but, instead of kitty litter, use packets of activated charcoal, the kind one can buy to keep shoes from smelling. The books must be open, as above, in order for the odor absorption to work.

* She also mentioned that there is one company — Conservation Resources — that makes “micro-chamber boxes,” air-tight boxes which have “kitty litter” embedded into the boxes themselves. Here is the URL for the company if you want to contact them:

Conservation Resources International, LLC

Finally here is the contact information for Megan Griffiths if you want to talk to her directly:

Megan Griffiths

Website for Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center — http://www.nebraskahistory.org/sites/ford/


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