Join us at Wilson Public Library, Cozad: relax, participate in sessions directed towards youth services, enjoy wonderful food, network, and share ideas. The cost is $15/person, includes lunch. Register at:
9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-11:15 Out of Box Programming Ideas for Teens with Lucy Adkins
Interested in encouraging young people to tap into their creativity using the resources of the library? In this presentation, we will discuss how writing groups and writing partners—using the generative writing process—can inspire potential slam poets, songwriters—all writers—to dream more and unleash the imagination.
11:30-12:45 Behind the Scenes with Bruce Arant, Author and Illustrator
Children’s book author/illustrator, Bruce Arant, provides an entertaining glimpse of the twists and turns he has encountered along the path of traditional publishing. His book, Simpson’s Sheep Won’t Go to Sleep!, has garnered notable attention including: two 2014 Nebraska Book Awards, nominee for the 2015-2016 Golden Sower Award; selected to represent the state of Nebraska at the 2015 National Book Festival; placement on the Nebraska 150 Book List. Bruce will be available afterwards for book sales and signing.
12:45-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:30 Libraries Serving Youth: Growing the Brain! With Sheryl Feinstein, Dean of Education, UNK
This special interactive presentation will focus on the transforming brain of our babies, children, and teens in relation to libraries. The fascinating changes that are popping, generating, and igniting in our youths’ brains shed light on how to best understand, support, and mentor these mystifying creatures.