Library Policies

Use Privileges

  1. Within the Library, any individual may have free use of all references and collections.
  2. Patrons within the county limits of Butler County may obtain a library card for home use free of charge.
  3. Patrons who live outside of the county limits of Butler County, but own property within the county limits, will not be charged for a library card.
    *Proof of such ownership will be required.
    *No reimbursements will be given for previous charges.
  4. Patrons who live outside of the county limits of Butler County, but work in David City, can obtain a library card for $25/year.
    *Proof of work will be required.
  5. Use of the library may be denied temporarily. Such might be because of failure to return library materials, unpaid fines, destruction of library property, or any other objectionable conduct.
  6. Class schools may check out materials for $100.00 a year. These materials may be kept for a maximum of four weeks. The individual checking these out is responsible for their return and their condition upon return.
  7. Materials may be loaned to another library, that library paying the cost of postage.
  8. Service will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic or political status.

Checkout and Renewal

  1. All borrowers must have a library card in order to check out materials.
  2. Books, pamphlets, audio cassettes, video cassettes and DVD’s will be loaned for three weeks, unless there are special conditions.
  3. Books may be renewed by phone.


  1. A patron may request reconsideration of materials he feels are inappropriate.
  2. Forms will be provided for these requests. A separate form will be filled out for each complaint.
  3. The library director will review the form and determine if action is necessary.
  4. The library director will report back to the patrons within one week of complaint of the action taken.
  5. The library director will report to the Board of Trustees on the complaint and action taken.

The complete pamphlet of policies and code of conduct can be obtained at the Library.