Our Nebraska/Farnam Section

Farnam Books

Huskers football and books
We have several items and books dedicated to the great state of Nebraska, Farnam, and our long and distinguished heritage!
The Nebraska Room is filled with books and memorabilia covering many years of Farnam andNebraska history. Some of the books cover the 125 plus year history of Farnam. How the town came to be, past businesses, Farnam schools, and much, much more. We also have several books about Nebraska folklore, the Sandhills, Native Nebraskans, famous Nebraskans, and ,of course, the Bugeaters, I mean the Cornhuskers. We hope you can come in and share our library!
Around Farnam
Country Blues (Now Clyde’s Bar & Grill. This is all gone now except for these pictures.)

Country Blues Cafe
Every time I walk into Country Blues I find something new to look at. Not new really, more likely it is old. He collects License plates. Just about everyone in the area has a plate somewhere in the collection. Their from just about everywhere. Like a museum.

Ralphs license plates
Most of the men have coffee there in the morning, and a few of the women attend. Saturday morning breakfast means friends get together and visit.
The food is good. Ralph makes a great hamburger. Generally he will have a different lunch every day. Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday thru Saturday. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. (And the time in-between.)

Morning coffee

Larry Fry

Farnam Senior Center
The Farnam Senior Center is most definitely a hub of activity. They offer meals almost every day to Seniors for just $3.50 a meal. Those folks under 60 pay just a little more, but it is still a bargain.
The meals are good and can be delivered for Seniors who cannot attend in person.
There is a Treadmill, a TV set, and Wii-Fit™ that has some very good, and sometimes funny, exercises. Some of the local clubs have their meetings in the Senior Center.

Any group that wants to have fund raising meals and other events, can use the Senior Centers spacious meeting room.
Nebraska Authors and Books
Here are just a few of the books by Nebraska authors and books about Nebraska Farnam Public Library has to offer.

Mari Sandoz
Mari Sandoz was born on May 11, 1896 just south of Hay Springs, NE on Mirage Flats.Mari was passionate about Northwest Nebraska, cooking, gardening, storytelling, and, of course, writing. She was also passionate about the Plains Indians, who were the subject of many of her books. Here are a couple of the titles we have to offer: “Cheyenne Autumn“(you may have seen the movie) and “Crazy Horse“. (Mari Sandoz Heritage Society)

Willa Cather
Willa Cather was born Dec. 7, 1873 in Back Creek Valley, Virginia. At the age of three, she and her family moved to near Red Cloud, NE.Willa’s life in Nebraska, her friends, and family were the subject of many of her most famous novels and stories. Here are a couple of titles we have to offer: “O Pioneers!“(also a movie) and “My Antonia“.(Willa Cather Foundation)

Bess Streeter Aldrich
Bess Streeter Aldrich was born Feb. 17, 1881 in Cedar Falls, IA. She spent her early years in Iowa and graduated from the University of Northern Iowa. In 1909, Bess and her husband Charles moved to Elmwood, NE. Elmwood, and Bess’s experiences there, were the basis of most of her short stories and novels. Here are a couple of titles we have to offer: “A Lantern in Her Hand” and “Spring Came on Forever“.(Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation)

Nellie Snyder Yost
Nellie Snyder Yost was born June 20, 1905 in a sod house in Lincoln Co. Neb. She spent most of her adult life in and around North Platte. Nellie was a Nebraska historian and writer. Most of her books were based on her own experiences and the stories of those people she knew and admired. Here are a couple of titles we have to offer: “A Man as Big as the West” and “Evil Obsession“.

Other Nebraska Authors
D. Jean Smith is a Nebraska historian and her latest work is “Wolf’s Rest“, a book of stories about early southwest Nebraska.
Alex Kava Writes fiction/suspense and we have all of her books.
Do you have anything about sod houses and their residents in or near Farnum in the late 1800’s. My great grandparents, Charles and Lillian Ainley lived in one there. I’d appreciate any info I can get. I think my grandmother, Gladys Ainley Laughlin was born there.
We have a History of Farnam book that might give you some information.
Hi Patricia, Have you been fortunate to locate the information you are searching for? There is a site http://www.historicfarnam.us managed by Weldon Hoppe, a native of Frnam, that would have some information for you plus I do family research on the internet. Would be interested in hearing more from you. Betty
Do you have any information on the marshall in the town of Farnun ( Ballard) from the 1800S?
This site is for the US Marshal Service in Nebraska.