We assign a family or individual with a number. They can then check out materials whenever they choose to. Books and movies are normally checked out for two weeks. There are occasions when we check books out for a longer period of time, especially for families who home-school. Books that are late are charged .10 cents a day.
The internet is an important part of our service. There are only restrictions on time if a number of people are waiting. If that is the case, the limit is 15 minutes.
Parental control: Internet permission slips must be filled out and signed by parent and child. Without these completed forms, the child will not be allowed on the internet.
I will deliver books to those who cannot come into the library. I can also arrange for braille and talking books.
- Wednesday:
10am – 12pm
2pm – 3pm
2pm – 5pm
1pm – 5pm
COMPUTERSThree public use computers
Two printers and two copy, scan, fax machines -
Color copies: .50 cents per sheet
Black copies: .30 cents per sheet
$1.00 per sheet – out going
$2.00 per sheet – incoming
.50 cents per sheet. Most of the coupon companies provide 3 – 4 coupons per sheet. We provide printing of bar codes.