Summer reading will begin June 3rd! i will be sending applications to the school to be sent home if you have any questions please give us a call !
Summer Reading 2023

All Together Now 2023 Summer Reading program
This year we will have an in-person summer reading program, for all ages. The teens and adults will be playing bingo, while the prek-6th grad will be reading for prizes! Registration Begins May 15th -May 26th 2023 T-Th 1-5 and Friday 9-5. The first official day of summer reading begins May 29th 2023 The Children’s program will have Movie day and Activity day on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2pm, Wednesday 2-3 for teens and Adult Friday Mornings at 9:30-11:30. June 2nd 2023 at 10am Magician Jeff Quinn will be here We will also have the ladies from wild cat hills with live animals
Writers Group
Hello Readers and writers,
We have a patron who would like to start a writers group if you are interested in this please contact the library by phone or email. For more information
After School Program
The After School Program will begin November 4th, 2022 at 2pm. If you have not turned in your sign up sheet today Friday October 28, 2022 is the last day to sign up.