Written By: salfred - Sep• 23•20

Closed Labor day

Written By: salfred - Sep• 01•20

Hello Folks we will be closed September 7, 2020 and will reopen September 8, 2020 at 1pm have a great week !

New Material

Written By: salfred - Aug• 31•20

September is just abound the corner come in and check out our new material. We have many new titles in Large Print, as well as new kid books and don’t forget our STEAM KITS!! they come with some great activities and a book!!!

We all so have many new kid books, and if you home school be sure to tell us so we can all the amazing things we have for you! We also have the fifth book in the Twilight Saga in and the latest book in the Hunger Games series!

Goodbye Summer Hello, School Year 2020!!

Written By: salfred - Aug• 17•20

The theme for Summer Reading was “Imagiane your story” We had  45, 5 teens, and 10 adults. We had a total of 8 super readers who all read over 2000 pages the top two readers tied with 18,809 pages all together the kids read a total of 98,992 pages !!!!

Here are all the readers who participated

Great job to all !!

Ella 18809, Jonah 18809, Addy 15353, TJ 5560, Will 5382, Hayden 3139, Emmy 2996, Jack 2540, Sarah 1729, Peyton 1663, Owen 1577, Raelynn 1254, Bethany 1245, Marcus 1200, Ethan 1193, Adrianna 1117, Kimber 982, Alex 874, Cooper 711, Jake 417, Sterling 301, Alexander 298, Dawn 297, Sarah 270, Andrew 242, Weston 195

We hope you had as much fun as we did, have an amazing school year and we will see you when we see you!!!

Fun Activities for Summer Reading !

Written By: salfred - Jul• 08•20