Summer reading 2022

Written By: salfred - Jul• 11•22

Hey summer readers of all ages,

ya’ll are doing a wonderful job, we have 39,332 pages read for the childrens program prk-6th grade, and our BINGO players are doing a great job!

A few important things to know

July 21st and July 28th Amanda from the Wildcat Hills will be here with some live animals for our activity days for both groups. July 22nd is the last day you can enter pages read in the readerzone app after that none will be accepted.

If you have not added your reader to the app please do so, so they can get their prizes.

July 29th weather permitting we will have our wrap-up party in the park at 2pm PARENTS MUST COME WITH THEIR KIDS unless you make arrangements with Sarah.

Summer Reading

Written By: salfred - Jun• 07•22

Summer reading has begun if your in group at June 7th is your first movie day. Movie day and Activity day both start at 2pm

New at the Library

Written By: salfred - Jan• 31•22

Hey Folks come on in and see us we have lots to offer

we have computers for public use a printer/copier/scanner/fax machine, lots of books adults, children’s, and young adults/teens. We have new playaways, a laminator, yearbooks, and so much more come in a see John and Sarah M,Th 1-7 T-W1-5:30 or F 9-5:30

The Library will be closed

Written By: salfred - Nov• 17•21

Hello everyone the library will be closed November 25-26 2021 for Thanksgiving. Please have a wonderful and safe holiday see you Monday November 29th at 1pm

Summer Reading Wrap-up 2021

Written By: salfred - Aug• 02•21

Well Folks another summer reading has come and gone! We would like to thank all our donators we couldn’t do this without you!!

Thank you to C & R Motors, C Reflections, The Roasted Mug, The Dollar Store in Morrill, Platte Valley Bank in Morrill, Kelly Bean, I and L Coffee Roasters, Murdock’s, Century 21, Rustic Tavern, Lessert Insurance, and the Village of Morrill. Thank you to everyone who participated we couldn’t did it with out you, we ended up with 68 Pre-K, 30 children, 20 teens, and 20 adults.

With the Children and Pre-k program they read a total of 116,614 pages WOW nice job kids!!! The adults and teens got the play BINGO with 14 different cards each. Congrats to all the great Super Readers and BINGO winners!!!

Thank you again Morrill for supporting your local library!