Plainview Public Library Fiscal Year Report for 2019-2020
I respectfully submit this report for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019 and ending on September 30, 2020. Following are the totals for the fiscal year:
The Library circulated 8,227 (last year 10,753) adult materials and 8,056 (last year 9,207) children’s materials for a total of 16,283 (last year 19,960) total circulation. The library received 72 books through interlibrary loan. Through Nebraska OverDrive had 530 (last year 585) checkouts for adult e-books & audiobooks and 274 (last year 344) checkouts for children = 804 (last year 929).
There are 911 registered patrons.
The library holds 14,909 books; 929 audiobooks; 586 DVD, 144 cake pans and puzzles; 16 print subscriptions and 25 databases through Nebraska Library Commission. Total library collection is 16,568
We had 2,592 (last year 4,323) patrons use the computers. Whether it was checking their email, using facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, doing research, searching for jobs and filling out job applications, healthcare forms, irs forms, college course work, etc., they’re thankful that we have computers and free wi-fi for their use.
The attendance for the year was 7,428 (last year 12,514). The library was open a total of 305 days.
The library’s program total attendance was 2,596 (last year 6,456) with 149 (last year 297) programs held.
We were asked 673 (last year 641) reference questions by our patrons.
The Library spent $7,489.11 on books, audiobooks, and ebooks.
The library spent the following: Staff: $65,960.85 Utilities: $5,269.28; Insurance: $3,427.26; Telephone: $818.13; Freight: $71.91; Printing: $335.24; Operating: $8,554.31; and Continuing Education: $75.00; = $92,001.09
The Library received $6,000 from the County; $940 from State Aid; $1,000 intern grant; and $3,274.54 from copies, faxes, fines, books sold, laminating and meeting room reservations and build a bear workshop. = $11,214.54
Story Time for K-2nd graders held on the Mondays during the school year until March. Library Time for the 3-5 grades were the 2nd Tuesday afternoon, with the last Tuesday where they went to the Manor for Crafts with the Residents until March. Age 3 & 4 years old programs were on Monday mornings and Wee-Ones were on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Lego club on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays until March. Also for the Early Outs after School we had a movie for the kids.
During the summer, we had the Summer Reading Program. We partnered with the Pierce County Extension for 1 activity at the Library. The rest of the program were activity packets that the children could pick up each week and submitting their reading on the Reader Zone app. SRP started June 8th and had Peter the Juggler in the Park Thursday, July 10th and ended July 31st.
Held a maker showcase for the community on February 17th of 2020 of the items our patrons and staff made with the Innovation Studio Project equipment through the Nebraska Library Commission where we received various equipment for several weeks to “try out”.
The meeting room was reserved and used for different occasions: meetings, craft nights, workshops, baby shower, birthday parties, ladies game days and mahjong.
Looking forward to 2021 and what it will bring to the Library and the Community.
Thank you to the Library Board, City Administrator, City Clerk and the City Council for your vision and help in accomplishing all that we have done.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Christiansen, Director