Wildlife Encounters on Wednesday, July 7th at 1:00 PM at the Library
Please come and help us celebrate 5 years in the new Plainview Public Library!
Winter Wonderland Workshop will be Saturday, December 12th from 10 am to 12 Noon or you can take your items and stuff your animal at home. Orders and money need to be in at the Plainview Public Library by Thursday, November 19th. Please make checks payable to Plainview Public Library.
For more information or for an order form please stop by the Library or give us a call at 402-582-4507.
Library is closed.
We are following other area libraries and closing the building until further notice. However, library staff will be at the library during regular hours so you can call us at 402-582-4507 and request books and movies and we can bring them to the curb for you to pick up or we will also do home deliveries. If you need to print something or fax something we will be here for you to do that also.