This year our summer intern, Lily Houston, is writing summaries of each event at the library. Here are her stories for the week of June 28 through 30.
Tuesday, June 28 — Anything Goes
Last week for Anything Goes, 4-H Extension Intern, Kaylie Ziegler, taught kids ages 3-10 about the properties of salt and salt water. Kaylie took the kids through experiments where they determined how much salt was needed in a cup of water to make an egg, a grape, a raisin, and a ball of tinfoil float. Kaylie explained that objects float in salt water because the density of the water is greater than the density of the object. After the experiments, the kids used salt and watercolors to make pictures. The kids had fun experimenting with different color combinations and the unique designs the salt made. This week, we will be learning about the treasure of a good friendship and making friendship bracelets.
Wednesday, June 29 — Anything Goes
For Brown Bag Storytime last week, marine biologist Anne came to talk to kids ages 2-5 about manatees. She told the kids about her work identifying and studying manatees at the Mote Aquarium in Florida, particularly manatees that had been injured by passing boats, and showed them several pictures of Florida manatees. She also read a story about a manatee named Sam who got stuck in a sewer pipe and was nursed back to health by marine experts. The kids enjoyed listening to the story, asking questions, and examining a plush manatee that Anne’s son Ethan passed around. After Anne’s presentation, the kids all got to take home a kit to make a paper manatee puppet. This week, we will be making seashell imprints and reading “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister.
Thursday, June 30 — Book Buddies
For Book Buddies last week, kids ages 4-10 learned all about sea turtles. After some songs, the kids read facts on different sea turtle species, and studied life-sized outlines around the room. The kids enjoyed comparing their heights to the species around the room, particularly when it came to the six foot long Leatherback sea turtle! After that, 4th graders read “Poky, the Turtle Patrol” aloud to the rest of the kids, and for the activity afterward, the kids made sea turtles out of CD’s and buttons. This week, we will be reading “Hey Water,” and “Rocket Says Clean Up!” and making library bags out of t-shirts.
Thursday, June 30 — Cookies and Canvas
For Cookies and Canvas last week, kids ages 4-13 learned about the artist Vincent Van Gogh and his famous painting, “Bedroom in Arles.” After they read a short bio on the artist and learned about some of his other works, the kids created their own bedroom with all of their favorite things out of patterned paper and magazine cut outs. The kids had a great time hunting through magazines for pictures of puppies, bookshelves, and ice cream, and cutting paper to form wallpaper and furniture. This week, we will be learning about the artist Georgia O’Keefe and making pictures with oil pastels.

This post was written by Kilgore Memorial Library’s summer intern, Lily Houston. This summer intern position is funded through the 2022 Nebraska Library Internship Grant Program.
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