Category Archives: Book Review

Twenty three books you need to read before watching the movie

Because the book is always better!

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2017-2018 Golden Sower Nominees

Check out the nominees for this coming year at: 2017-2018 Golden Sower Nominees

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High Jinx

In High Jinx by Shannon Esposito, Elle Pressley is a doga (doggie yoga) instructor on Moon Key, a getaway for the very rich.  Invited to a party by one of her clients, Elle finds the hanged body of the owner … Continue reading

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Historical Fiction

Looking to update your historical fiction section?  Here is the Top 10 Historical Fiction List 2016 from Booklist.

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Two Cozies

Antiques Cymru is coming to Llanelen in Murder on the Hour, the 7th installment of Elizabeth J. Duncan’s Penny Brannigan series. During the event, a local woman is killed and the quilt she had evaluated by the show goes missing. … Continue reading

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100 Greatest British Novels

From the BBC: 100. The Code of the Woosters (PG Wodehouse, 1938) 99. There but for the (Ali Smith, 2011) 98. Under the Volcano (Malcolm Lowry,1947) 97. The Chronicles of Narnia (CS Lewis, 1949-1954) 96. Memoirs of a Survivor (Doris … Continue reading

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A Christmas Escape by Anne Perry

Christmas Escape by Anne Perry is her 13th seasonal novella. Charles Latterly has come to the volcanic island of Stromboli for the Christmas season. Not only does he find an awakening volcano but his guesthouse is full of unhappy people, … Continue reading

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A Vision of Light by Judith Merkle Riley

A Vision of Light was a suggestion for me from BookBub today.  This is one of my all-time favorite historical fiction novels.  I highly recommend it if you can get hold of a copy! Here is a description from Goodreads: … Continue reading

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81 Days Below Zero by Brian Murphy

I occasionally read non-fiction, particularly travel and survival stories, so this book was a given for me. As the cover says, it’s “the incredible survival story of a World War II pilot in Alaska’s frozen wilderness.” Leon Crane and a … Continue reading

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New mysteries

I am lucky to have access to Galley Proofs of new books through NetGalley.  I have just finished two mystery books that are part of new series. Knock on Wood by Linda O. Johnston is set in Destiny, CA, not … Continue reading

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