Plain Speaking Newsletter – August / September

Click here to see the newest edition of the Plain Speaking Newsletter.

Registration for the first-ever biennial Conference is open! Spots are limited so register early. Take note of our new Storytime Crafts service and the new Book Club Sets we have added.

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New Book Club Set

Auld Public Library in Red Cloud donated a Book Set with 9 copies of this title to the Central Plains Library System.

Call or email to reserve this interesting non-fiction title for your Book Club.

About the Book

In 1955 the small town of Udall, Kansas, was home to oil field workers, homemakers, and teenagers looking ahead to their futures. But on the night of May 25, an F5 tornado struck their town without warning. In three minutes the tornado destroyed most of the buildings, including the new high school. It toppled the water tower. It lifted a pickup truck, stripped off its cab, and hung the frame in a tree. By the time the tornado moved on, it had killed 82 people and injured 270 others, more than half the town’s population of roughly 600 people. It remains the deadliest tornado in the history of Kansas.

Jim Minick’s nonfiction account, Without Warning, tells the human story of this disaster, moment by moment, from the perspectives of those who survived. His spellbinding narrative connects this history to our world today. Minick demonstrates that even if we have never experienced a tornado, we are still a people shaped and defined by weather and the events that unfold in our changing climate. Through the tragedy and hope found in this story of destruction, Without Warning tells a larger story of community, survival, and how we might find our way through the challenges of the future.

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CCC Announces Fall Online Classes for Library and Information Services Program


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Latest Edition of Plain Speaking Now Available


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Winner(s) of an Autographed Copy of James & Susan Patterson’s New Book!

As announced previously, the System has an autographed copy of James & Susan Patterson’s new book, Things I Wish I Told My Mother.  We had an overwhelming number of responses….43 in total!  So what did we do?  We decided to give away not just one but TWO AUTOGRAPHED COPIES of the book!

…..And the winning libraries are….

Hoesch Public Library in Alma and Sargent Public Library! 

Congratulations to these libraries!  And a huge thank you to all who entered!  

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CPLS Month of Weeding is a Big Success!

The Central Plains Library System’s Month of Weeding is done for this year. It was successful for all that participated. We had 2 school libraries and 8 public libraries turn in their weeding reports and several more that indicated they would be weeding. Based on what we heard, nearly 2,100 items were taken off the shelves to make room for newer and better resources.

Together, our libraries weeded pretty evenly across all types of materials. Some of the funniest titles came from the nonfiction area:

  • Science Experiments You Can Eat, c1972
  • America Was Like This (not checked out since 1969)
  • Microwave Food Fun, c1987 (for children)
  • Customs and Rituals of Alcohol, c1988
  • Think Metric! c1972
  • Creative Film-Making, c1958
  • New Adventures of Alice, c1917

Here are a few quotations:

  • The Nancy Drew paperbacks’ pages were yellow and brittle. They needed to go a while ago!
  • I hated to weed Jason Reynolds’ All American Boys, but it hadn’t been checked out in over 5 years. ☹
  • There weren’t a lot of food safety concerns in 1987!
  • I took out 5 shelves of reference books today…so outdated.
  • We aren’t finished in the audio section but making a good dent!
  • Looks better!

We held a random drawing for a $100 Amazon Gift Card from all the libraries that notified the System Office that they were participating.

…And the Winner is Indianola Public Library. Congratulations, Katie!

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And the Winner is…

Jennie Smith

from Wilson Public Library in Cozad!

On May 8, we offered a new Chicken Soup for the Soul book, titled The Advice That Changed My Life as a give-away. We had more than 20 people enter the random drawing.

Congratulations, Jennie! The book is in the mail.

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

The stigma around mental health and treatment has long existed, even though this has started to change. Still, people hesitate to seek help or even talk about it with their loved ones for fear of being judged and facing unnecessary backlash. Simple logic dictates that if we are hurt anywhere, we must seek treatment to get better. This applies to both our mental- and physical well-being. 

Watch your inbox each Monday this month for a message from the Central Plains Library System. We have some serious (and, some not-so serious) resources to promote emotional wellness for library workers.

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Latest Edition of Plain Speaking (April/May 2023)


Click here for live links.

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Earth Day 2023

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events in more than 193 countries.

These four brand new picture books pay tribute to the wonders of the natural world and are the perfect way to inspire children to preserve our earth for future generations.

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