We Have A New Sign!

Come see the awesome new sign in front of the library. This was given in memory of Joann Mosier.  Joann was a frequent patron of the library and served on the library board for ten years. So, it is wonderful to be able to remember her in this way.

New Sargent Library sign

A big thank you to Lowell Paulsen and Joe Meyer for installing the sign, and thanks to Tina Treffer Signs & Designs for making it for us.

Book Review

Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon

What an amazingly strong people our ancestors were who crossed the prairie and mountains on their way to Oregon and California. Hunger, disease, and death were common. Tempers flared and Indians threatened.

“Where the Lost Wander,” by Amy Harmon, is a historical romance that takes place in 1853 when the Mays and other families make up a wagon train on the way to California. The book draws you in immediately with a prologue of an Indian/pioneer skirmish in which many are killed. The author does a good job of capturing the emotions between the pioneers and Indians, allowing us to see the struggles from both points of view

Between the struggles and sorrow is the ongoing romance between Naomi May, widowed at age 20, and John Lowry, a half-Pawnee Indian. Their growing relationship is believable and inspiring, causing you to cheer and cry at the same time

I have frequently thought it would be fun to spend just one day in a covered wagon traveling across the prairie of Nebraska. However, after reading this book, I may have changed my mind. I probably would not have survived for one hour. The author did a wonderful job of describing all the hardships and emotions the people would have experienced. It is a book worthy of your time and available for check out at our library.

Summer Reading Fun At The Library

We have a fun summer planned for the kids at the library. All children ages pre-school through 6th grade will be able to earn prizes for reading and acts of kindness by playing BINGO. Some of the amazing prizes include slushies, ice-cream, pizzas, and even a boys and girls bike for the grand prize. BINGO cards (along with more instructions) are available at the library. Or you can print your own PDF copy at home. 

In addition, plan to come to the library at 10 a.m., on June 3, 10, and 17 when we will have reading, crafts, and games for the kids.  

We can’t wait to see you! 

A big thank you goes out to our sponsors: The Ritz, the Rescue, Trotters Woe & Go in Sargent, Friends of the Sargent Township Library, and Emily Jandreau for helping to organize this whole program.

How Towns Were Established in 1884 Nebraska

In the Loup Valley Eagle newspaper from 1884, it tells about how the town of Walworth, NE was conceived. The newspaper archive copy is very difficult to read, so I tried to decipher and rewrite it. Some of the words are just unreadable.

From Loup Valley Eagle

Oct 18, 1884

Walworth’s Welcome

Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Predmore gave a dedication party at the new town three miles west of West Union Post office last Monday night – Sargent being well represented. By __ o’clock, forty acres of people and teams were on the ground, some coming 19 miles. The store building and dwelling house both were crowded – so much so, that standing room was at a premium. The light _______ was tripped in the store building, arranged for the purpose, with ample room for ____.  Were it not for such a large delegation of the fair sex, from two to three deep on either side of the hall, while we have all due regard for the ladies, the room was entirely inadequate for “spread Eagles”. The young folks enjoyed themselves under the musical dictation of Pointers string band. The most noticeable features of the occasion was the  “_______” step from “bust-own”. An 11:40 supper was announced. 12 healthy waiters were detailed to attend the wants and appease the appetites of the hungry multitude. The lunch was splendid, and all present seemed to enjoy themselves largely, especially Leroy Leep.

After supper, the committee on town sites met to take under advisement the name of the new town. ___ They decided on Denmore and Walworth.  Denmore was kind of a drag on the market, but when Walworth was voted upon, it carried unanimously. Three hearty cheers were given for Walworth.

Mrs. Wm. H. Predmore has a $1200.00 stock of goods, consisting of millinery, ladies furnishing goods, ___now on hand. Mr. Thomas W Dean has ordered a $1200.00 stock of groceries, has the lumber on the ground for his store building. Mr. Owens a harness maker is now there, will work in the rear of the store building, until they get his shop up. Mr. Rigby will soon start a boot & shoe shop up there. Mr. Wm. Halls of Sedalia, MO will invest up there. Several more branches of business have been promised. $430.00 has been raised to build a hall for all purposes. Mr. Predmore has sent in a petition for a post office with 75 signers. Mr. Predmore owns the land on the north side of the road, and Mr. Dean on the south side.

In speaking of those who patronized the dedication, we wish to say that when the most of West Union “went up”, we did “go for” the union, now we are going for Walworth, and they will “gopher” ___

United we stand, divided, we fall. Go to Sargent and Walworth

The Alec Smarts of 1922

After last week’s scandal, the November 30th issue of the Sargent Leader in 1922 lamented another problem of the youth in Sargent. Apparently, a gang of young boys was yelling insulting remarks at passersby, striking some ladies, and being little thieves.  

“We will not be surprised to hear of some of these little Alec Smarts sent sprawling to the sidewalk.”

Sargent Leader Nov. 30, 1922

Oh The Scandal

Times have changed a little in the past hundred years.

In the November 23, 1922 issue of the Sargent Leader, the Comstock school was accused of sponsoring a party and dance after the football game, and the town of Sargent was quite upset about it. It turned out that the Comstock school only sponsored a party that ended at 9:00. The dance afterward was not supported by the school.

“We are of the opinion that had our football team had their mind upon winning the game at Comstock instead of what was to follow, we would not have been beaten 12-0 by a little town of some 400 population.

We appeal to the parents for cooperation to back us in our efforts to discourage such affairs that tend to demoralize our young people and detract them from the higher planes of refinement and good citizenship.”

You can go to the Sargent Leader Archives to read more articles from the past.

Sargent Leader 11/23/1922

Open House to Show New Children’s Books

Recently the Sargent library received a grant to purchase new books for our children’s non-fiction section. Even though these are non-fiction, all of the books are in a colorful graphic novel (comic book) format. Subjects range from science, technology, animals, math, and history. These are classified as “children’s books”, but many adults will also find them engaging.

We invite you to come to the library for our open house on March 19th from 10:00 a.m. till Noon.  You can look through the books and see why kids are excited about them.  

This project is supported in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Nebraska Library Commission.

Entertaining Math Books

“Math” & “Entertaining”, – Do those words belong together???   Thanks to a grant, our library is able to purchase a number of books for children that promote STEM learning. Our newest purchase is the “Sir Cumference” series.  

Each book is well illustrated and tells a fictional story about the adventures of Sir Cumference, his wife Lady Di of Ameter, and their son Radius.  A different math concept is introduced in each story, which helps children see how math can be useful and fun. This is a series of eleven books, and all but one is on Accelerated Reader.

(I’ll let you in on a secret: I’m 59 years old, and I enjoyed reading some of the books. I may have even learned a few things. 😉 )

Sir Cumference Book series

This project is supported in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Nebraska Library Commission.

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