Inspiring Netflix’s show Maid, this story begins with Stephanie Land’s plans to chase her dreams of becoming a writer. These plans, however, were cut short when a summer fling turned into an unexpected pregnancy. She turned to housekeeping to make ends meet, and keep a grip on her dream to provide her daughter the very best life possible. Maid explores the underbelly of upper-middle class America and the reality of what it’s like to be in service to them.
In this book, inspiring the Netflix movie, Jessie and Gerald Burlingame play a game in the bedroom, and something goes very wrong. Now Jessie is utterly trapped in an isolated lakeside house that has become her prison–and comes face-to-face with her deepest, darkest fears and memories. Her only company is that of the various voices filling her mind…as well as the shadows of nightfall that may conceal an imagined or very real threat right there with her.
Inspiring Netflix’s movie of the same name, this story begins with sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song, who keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. These are ones she’s written; One for every boy she’s ever loved–five in all. When she writes, she says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until the day her secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Lara Jean’s love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
Inspiring several game adaptations as well as Netflix’s The Witcher, this second book in Sapkowski’s collection of adventures follows Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher whose magic powers, enhanced by long training and a mysterious elixir, have made him a merciless hunter. Yet he is no ordinary killer: his targets are the multifarious monsters and vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent.
Inspiring the Netflix movie of the same name, this story follows Juliet Ashton, a thirty-year-old author, who writes to her publisher expressing her desire to stop covering the aftermath of WWII, but Guernsey farmer Dawsey Adams invites neighbors to write to Juliet with their stories. This puts her off at first but eventually helps her find inspiration for her next book, and her life.
As seen in the Netflix series Bridgerton, the rakish Duke of Hastings will stop at nothing to hold the marriage-mongers and matchmakers of his town at bay, even if it means pretending to be engaged to the lovely Daphne Bridgerton. The plan works like a charm–at first. But amid the glittering, gossipy, cut-throat world of London’s elite, there is only one certainty: love ignores every rule.
Now a Netflix movie starring Elle Fanning, this story begins with Theodore Finch and Violet Markey. When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school–six stories above the ground– it’s unclear who saves whom. Soon it’s only with Violet that Finch can be himself. And it’s only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet’s world grows, Finch’s begins to shrink.
In this book adapted into a Netflix movie, William, born in Malawi, read about windmills and dreamed of one day building one that would bring his small village electricity and running water. With a small pile of science textbooks; some scrap metal, tractor parts, and bicycle halves; and an armory of curiosity and determination, he embarked on a daring plan to forge an unlikely contraption and small miracle that would change the lives around him.
Adapted into a Netflix movie starring Chloe Grace Moretz, Susannah, a reporter for a major New York newspaper, relates what she underwent during a month-long hospital stay during which she was diagnosed with encephalitis. She discusses how the autoimmune disease affected her mental stability and her hospitalization influenced her life and family.