Jul 232020
Moses the Cat suffers separation anxiety after he is parted from his ailing friend, Lady Irene. Travel with Moses on his quest to get back to Irene with the help of other community members including a Superhero! A great book by a Nebraska Author.
Jul 162020

Drugs, crime, poverty…the people who live in the Cause are ground down daily by their circumstances. However, they love and look out for each other. They understand the sorrows of their neighbors and community. This was a story at turns, sad, humorous and hopeful. Loved it.
Dec 312019

“Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson looks at people, even teenagers, on death row. He has made it his job to make sure justice is served. The dignity and respect with which Mr Stevenson speaks about his clients provide the rays of hope we need to work to change the system. This nonfiction book may be represented on the screen soon. Definitely worth a read!

“The Boy in the Black Suit” by Jason Reynolds.
Reynolds is a good writer. His characters seem to escape the page. He captures the grief and poignancy of being lost in a wilderness of pain after the death of a loved one. However, the ending seems a bit rushed.

“The Doughnut Fix” by Jessie Janowitz.
An imaginative story showcasing how determination and creativity allow a family moving from the big city to a small town to make it their home (albeit unwillingly in some cases). Using a light touch of comedy, the author shines a soft light on each character’s flaws while also emphasizing their strengths. Entrepreneurship and the stress children are sometimes under due to academics and changing friendships are also issues laid bare.

“Home in the Woods” by Eliza Wheeler

This gorgeously illustrated picture book looks at a family living in the country and trying to survive during the Great Depression. This is a wonderful way to introduce the topic.

Nov 212019

If you follow instagram, twitter, or booktube, you might have heard of a reading challenge called “Nonfiction November”. Four prompts were given or you can just try to read more nonfiction than you usually do.  See announcement here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K8_N_8sL_M

Keeping in the spirit, you could easily combine National Native American Heritage Month with Nonfiction November by reading some of the following:

Louise Erdrich is well-known for her many fiction titles; however, this short little look at her reading life and culture is one of my favorites.


While it is worthy of its classic status and one of my all-time favorite reads, it does leave you with a pretty bleak view of the future state of Native American tribes and nations.

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present ??

This is definitely on my TBR list (To Be Read)!  It is on the 2020 Carnegie Medals shortlist!!  If you have a nonfiction lover to buy a present for this December, this might be a great selection!

Squanto's Journey: The Story of the First Thanksgiving

Bruchac is a great storyteller and this is a great way to include all of those present at the first Thanksgiving.