Library Board Meeting minutes


The Loup City Public Library Board meeting was held on August 14, 2024. Those present included: Judy McFadden, Lisa Harrington, Yvonne Griffin, Amy Kowalski, and Audrey Heil.

Minutes from the June and July Board meetings were reviewed and accepted as read following a motion by Lisa Harrington and Yvonne Griffin. Motion passed.

Bills in the amount of $3,179.81 were presented. Lisa Harrington made a motion to pay the bills. Motino was seconded by Yvonne Griffin. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Inventory was presented and signed by Board Members.

Awaiting budget information.

New computers have been installed and we are working on installing Deep Freeze on computers. Possible changes to the computer area discussed with Board.

Makerspace: Deb Miller planning a design class utilizing Makerspace equipment.

Summer Reading: 37 Adults read 231,590 pages this Summer. We had 56 Preschool-2nd grade participants read 4,036 books total. There were 19 participants grades 3-11 who read 20,558 pages read.

Walk2Unlock is almost completed. Final paperwork needs to be turned in. We are looking into placing a Story walk with grant funds.

New Business:

iPhone class had zero participants

Back to school: cleaning was completed and new students added into the system.

Board continuing education: 8 credits still needed prior to recertification of Board at the end of November.

Overdrive Agreement for digital books is due. A motion to renew Overdrive was made by Yvonne Griffin and seconded by Judy McFadden. Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 5:20 PM following a motion by Amy Kowalski which was seconded by Yvonne Griffin.

Next Board meeting September 11, 2024.