Fully Engaged Customer Service


Whether you spend most of your time on the front lines or primarily serve internal customers, your ability to handle your workload will be enhanced when you learn how to complete customer interactions successfully at the first point of contact, while cultivating a positive attitude and keeping stress levels to a minimum.

Improving customer service outcomes requires moving beyond old habits to create a lasting change in behavior.  In this safe and friendly environment you will practice simple, powerful techniques for improving

· Eye contact

· Facial expression and body language

· Tone of voice

· Availability to customers

· Your ability to listen when distracted

· Customers’ ability to self-serve in the future

In this session with library consultant Cheryl Gould on your choice of either February 4 or February 5, you will practice and experience how to enhance service through being fully engaged to create a win-win experience that saves time for both you and the customer.

Participants are required to turn on video (have a camera) and possess a microphone for this Zoom class in order to participate actively. The two class opportunities are limited to 15 participants each, with preference given to staff from Southeast Library System, so register early at https://bit.ly/engaged 36!