Displays, Exhibits, Bulletin Boards Policy

Yutan Public Library
Displays, Exhibits, Bulletin Boards Policy (last reviewed January 2018)

The Yutan Public Library attempts to provide the community with limited, temporary space for displays, exhibits, and bulletin boards to further the Library’s mission to provide information and services that promote lifelong learning, literacy, and love of reading to enrich the quality of life in our community. To make the most of the space that is available, the Library has established the following criteria for such material.

Any individual or group requesting to post, display or exhibit materials should bring the material(s) or in the case of an exhibit, a representative sample of the materials, to the Library. The responsibility for administering this policy rests with the librarian in charge.

Because display space is very limited, preference will be given to the Library, Library support groups, City and City related material, and as space permits, announcements of events and activities of tax-supported or non-profit educational, cultural, and charitable organizations. Objective material which presents both sides of controversial issues and which relates to supporting material in Library collections will be preferred. Space for political campaign literature, legislative lobbying, religious proselytizing, and personal notices or communications cannot be provided.

Acceptance or rejection of material for displays does not imply approval or disapproval by the Library of the ideas or opinions expressed. The Library does not assume responsibility or liability for materials exhibited in the Library. The Library Reserves the right to refuse to post, and the right to remove announcements, posters, displays, or exhibits which do not meet the above criteria or which have been posted for a reasonable length of time. Material left for Library consideration for posting cannot be held or returned. The Library will dispose of all material as it sees fit or, for special displays and exhibits, according to prior arrangements with the artist/exhibitor.

The librarian in charge or their designee must approve all postings, displays, and exhibits. Any item placed on bulletin boards or any items attached to walls or library surfaces with our prior approval will be removed and discarded. All displays, exhibits, and bulletin board postings shall be temporary. All Postings shall be dated. The Library reserves the right to establish size and time limits for any announcement, poster, display, or exhibit. This policy does not prohibit the restriction of specific bulletin boards, displays or exhibit areas to specific uses by authorized Library staff.

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