Snowy Day ……

A few announcements on this snowy day…….

1.   The Genealogy meeting scheduled for tonight has been cancelled.

2.  We have many of the IRS Tax Forms you need for filing your 2013 taxes.  However, the federal government has NOT yet sent us any instruction booklets for the main forms.   We will have copies of the instruction booklets (printed from the internet) available to purchase at half the cost of printing.  Please note that once again, the Nebraska State Forms are only online.  Printed copies of state forms and instructions will be available at half the cost of printing.

3.  Our Special Valentine’s Story Time will be held February 11th at 6:30 p.m.   Wear your jammies if you’d like and bring a favorite stuffed animal to share stories with!  There will be stories, crafts and, of course, a fun snack in celebration of Valentine’s Day!!!