How Awesome was THIS?!?!?!

P7290027 P7290029 IMG_1700 P7290070 IMG_1715 IMG_1716 IMG_1705 P7290009 P7290022What a great end to our Summer Reading Program!  Thanks to Hunke Manufacturing, Smeal Fire Apparatus, and Central Valley Ag, we had a MASSIVE PIZZA PARTY and entertainment from Rainbow Trout!  Ms. Donna Trout (aka ‘Rainbow Trout’) did an incredible job with face painting and balloon art; the Pizza Hut pizza was delish’, AND we made our own sundaes!  Isabel and Oliver Belina, Ryan Besmer, Danielle Haas, Connor and Cooper Kreikemeier, Ava Rose Phelps, Owen Schnoor, and Stuart and Braxton Wisnieski all completed AND EXCEEDED the reading requirements for this program.  They were rewarded with great prizes from Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, and Burger King in Fremont; Adies in Snyder; Pizza Ranch, McDonalds, Subway, Alco, and Runza in West Point, Dodge County Agricultural Society, and the Omaha Storm Chasers.  What a great night of fun and reward!  Together, our readers read a whopping 131 books in a month – what an achievement!  Congratulations to all our readers!  I’m SOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing you here again next year!

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