What fun! What fun! What fun we had….

1-IMG_2307 1-IMG_2289 1-IMG_2292…and if you missed it, that is sad!  The Dr. Seuss pajama party was a blast!  We read Dr. Seuss’ first story, And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street! The book was first published in 1937, but the magic and imagination are just as fresh today as they were then.  Great Seuss snacks, pajamas and pillows, and games galore were the evening’s festivities.  If you missed it this year, we sure hope you can be here for the gala next year.  Enjoy the great weather this week!  Take a book out on the lawn; refresh your mind as you welcome in the approaching Spring!  Happy reading to you all; don’t forget our Story Time on 17 March at 4:45.  See you soon at your Snyder Library!


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