Story time and Activity time

Myranda is finishing up. Today she had a story time at 1:00 with only 2 boys attending, but they had a good time.  She read If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff.  The boys decorated a paper muffin and then ate blueberry muffins. They played a toss game, jumped in gunny sacks, and played with Play Dough.

At 3:00 she had six girls come for activity time.  They made Nebula Jars, tried hula hoops (Quinn is our expert) and then played a hula hoop game.  They also played the toss game.

Next week on Wednesday at 1:00 we will try one more story time. Maybe it is nap time but we will have a story for those who can stay awake!

On Thursday the 28 at 1:00 we will have an activity time for the boys. Pray for cooler weather because we want to do outdoor activities with the boys!  They have too much energy to stay inside!IMG_1166

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