This year’s retreat will bring us to a quarter century of this wonderful and enriching event for youth services librarians!
The retreat will again be held at Camp Carol Joy Holling near Ashland, Nebraska. The dates are August 29-30 and the prices have remained the same as last year. 11 CE are available for attendance at both days.
The workshop topics will be:
- Recommended Children’s Books 2018-2019
- Copyright for Youth Services
- Intellectual Freedom and Youth
- “Book Talk” your Favorite Ideas, Resources, and Solutions
- Recognizing Trauma in Children
- Storytelling: A Personal Touch in this Digital World
- YA Literature and the Teen Brain
- SPICE UP Your Programming for Young Children with SPANISH LANGUAGE EXPERIENCES
- Great Books for Tweens and Teens
- The Story of the Orphan Grain Train: An Example of Storytelling with Pippa White
While this retreat is designed especially for those who plan to stay overnight and attend both days, the following options are available:
- Both days with overnight, single occupancy, includes all meals ($160)
- Both days with overnight, double occupancy, includes all meals ($130)
- Both days with lunch ($105)
- Thursday only, includes lunch ($55)
- Friday only, includes lunch ($50)
- Wednesday evening arrival (+$80)
Registration is open until August 13th at
The agenda for the two day retreat is as follows:
Thursday, August 29
7:30-8:30 Breakfast for those who arrived on site Wed. evening
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:50 Recommended Children’s Books 2018-2019 with Alysia Bousquet
This session will focus on recommended books for grades K-6 published October 2018-August 2019.
10:00-10:50 Copyright for Youth Services with Eric Jones
Print, digital and visual media are vital tools for Youth Services staff. We will review some of the particular copyright issues with presentations, reading programs and online resources. We will also look at Creative Commons, clip art licenses, Fair use, and other aspects of copyright.
11:00-11:50 Intellectual Freedom and Youth with Brenda Ealey
Young people have first amendment rights, too.
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 “Booktalk” your Favorite Ideas, Resources, or Solutions
In this session, retreat participants will be the presenters. Each person will have a few minutes to present their favorite websites, resources, program and craft ideas, or solutions to challenges or problems.
2:45 – 3:45 Recognizing Trauma in Children with Michelle Book
In this session you will learn about the signs of abuse, the different types of abuse, and what to do when you suspect abuse.
4:00 – 6:00 Storytelling: A Personal Touch in this Digital World with Diane Cox
In a time when the world has become most impersonal because everyone is connected, entertained, and communicating through electronic devices, there is a need for the personal touch of storytelling. We will look at storytelling…the who…the why …the what …the how. We will look at ways for you to take the step from reading to telling. This will be a participation workshop. It would be good for participants to have a folktale that they enjoy, or a personal story to share. Oh, yes…And we will have fun!
6:00 – 7:00 Dinner
7:00 – 10:00 Time to exchange ideas, hang out, play games
Friday, August 30
7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
8:30–9:00 Registration
9:00-9:50 YA Literature and the Teen Brain with Dr. Melissa Cast-Brede
Amazing changes happen to the brain as teenagers grow into adults, so it’s only logical that those changes would impact the reading interests of adolescents. Learn what transformations occur and what they mean for selection and reader’s advisory. We’ll connect popular titles to teen brain growth, plus make recommendations for current titles that address the different pieces of teen brain development.
10:00-10:50 SPICE UP Your Programming for Young Children with SPANISH LANGUAGE EXPERIENCES with Karen Drevo
A presentation for librarians who speak little or no Spanish: An introduction to easy ways you can immediately add some Spanish language experiences to your usual programming for young children.
11:00-11:50 Great Books for Tweens and Teens with Sally Snyder
There’s always some new treasure to be discovered during Sally’s showcase of books!
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:45 The Story of the Orphan Grain Train: An Example of Storytelling with Pippa White
How many were there? At least 200,000, but maybe as many as 500,000. Fending for themselves on the streets of New York, homeless children were given a chance for a new life in America’s heartland by riding the orphan train. Orphans who remember the experience come to life and share a heartrending and forgotten part of history.
2:45 – 3:15 Giveaways, Evaluations
We must leave the premises by 3:45 pm