Annnnd it’s already July. Where has this year gone? It seems like January was so long and then the other six months just flashed right on by! Well, you all know what July means for this library: SUMMER READING PROGRAM TIME!!! Our first program is this Thursday, July 5th, from 1:00pm – 3:30pm. We’re going to be making instruments, reading, and jamming out! I’m so excited. I hope we have lots of kids come! Remember that registration is open until the start of the first program, so even if you’re late to the party, you can still participate!
The rest of the programs will also be on Thursdays, at the same time: on the 12th, we’ll be painting rocks (so don’t wear nice clothes!), on the 19th, UNL will be coming to do a program with us about sound, and the 26th will be entirely Pete the Cat-themed!! And then on the night of the 26th is our End of Program Pizza Party! Kids who were in the program and their families are all invited. We will be handing out awards and prizes, and eating, of course! I hope I will see you all there!
Thanks again to all those who have donated, and future thanks to those who will volunteer and to my library board for being there with me every step of the way! Tune in next month for pictures from the programs and updates on how we did!
I can’t wait to see you all at the library! In the meantime, have a safe and happy fourth of July!