Nebraska School Librarians Day

Connect with: Colby Sharp Teacher , Literacy Advocate, Author of The Creative Project & Co-Author of Game Changer Ashley Cooksey School Librarian, AASL Social Media Superstar & Knowledge Quest Blogger EACHOTHER About the newly revised AASL Position Statements on the Role of School Libraries & The School Librarians Role in…

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Census 2020 – Nebraska Counts

2020 Census starts today! Beginning March 12, people can complete the census online at: Libraries are at the fore-front of the online census providing computers and resources for completing the information. Census reporting timeline: Online: Begins March 12, 2020 For those who did not complete online: Mail: April 8-16…

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Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant

The American Library Association (ALA) invites library workers to apply for a new annual grant to support innovative and meaningful community engagement efforts in libraries. The Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant will provide $2,000 for a school, public, academic, tribal or special library to expand its community engagement efforts. Libraries…

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