Census 2020 – Nebraska Counts

2020 Census starts today! Beginning March 12, people can complete the census online at: http://my2020census.gov Libraries are at the fore-front of the online census providing computers and resources for completing the information. Census reporting timeline: Online: Begins March 12, 2020 For those who did not complete online: Mail: April 8-16…

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ALL THE GALLANT MEN BY Donald Stratton is a story of Awe-Inspiring Courage and Steely Determination. An American Sailor’s firsthand account of Pearl Harbor. It is a New York Times Bestseller as well as the new 2020 One Book One Nebraska. The WLS office has just received 10 copies which…

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Jan Jolliffe leaves WLS System

You may have already heard the news that Jan Jolliffe has left the WLS System as of July 11, 2019. Kathy Terrell is the replacement Interim Director until that position is filled permanently. Please feel free to contact Kathy just as you would have Jan at:  wlskathyt@gmail.com . We wish…

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