Jun 192014


June is in full swing and the Loup City Public Library has been fizzin’ and boomin’ with activity from our summer readers! At the end of our third week we are happy to report that we have had 68 children register! Over 50 chamber bucks were earned by these hard working kids, along with other incentives, and they have read over 154 books. This is great progress from the kids of our small community!

There is plenty of time left to encourage your kids to come in and participate. Our summer reading program will continue through August 2nd. So as the swimming lessons end, the camps finish up, and the ball games come to a close, steer the children in our direction! Remember, children tend to lose months of hard won reading skills over the summer break. Encouraging them to read before the school doors reopen will help maintain their reading levels.

Upcoming library events: Crane River Theater Presents : Page to Stage June 25th 1:30-2:30pm


*The library is scheduled for the annual summer cleaning the week of July 1st-5th…so we will be closed that week. Stock up beforehand on some books for you AND the kids.



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