Category: Uncategorized
New Patron Computers
The Butler Memorial Library Foundation recently received a donation and we decided to purchase three new desktop computers. One for the 3D printer & button maker design software, in the studio, and then two for our adult patron computers station. Last year we updated the assistant computer and front desk…
At the end of last year we applied for a Library Improvement Grant through the Nebraska Library Commission. We received a grant to purchase patio furniture for our outdoor space on the Southeast corner of the library. We worked with Kenton Peterson, owner of TwoPturf, to purchase Weather Resistant, Durable,…
Library Updates
Chromebooks & Hotspots Available
2021 ARPA Formula Grant Funds
Butler Memorial Library applied for ARPA funds in 2021. We were awarded $4,026.00 to be used for a list of eligible projects that would support the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) goals. We chose to focus on two library needs. One, we have tablets for kids that are…
New Addition to the Learning Studio
Moving Forward – Overdrive Advantage
Welcome to Butler Memorial Library’s Learning Studio!
Children’s Room Update
New Patron Computers

The Butler Memorial Library Foundation recently received a donation and we decided to purchase three new desktop computers. One for the 3D printer & button maker design software, in the studio, and then two for our adult patron computers station. Last year we updated the assistant computer and front desk…

At the end of last year we applied for a Library Improvement Grant through the Nebraska Library Commission. We received a grant to purchase patio furniture for our outdoor space on the Southeast corner of the library. We worked with Kenton Peterson, owner of TwoPturf, to purchase Weather Resistant, Durable,…
Library Updates
Chromebooks & Hotspots Available
2021 ARPA Formula Grant Funds
Butler Memorial Library applied for ARPA funds in 2021. We were awarded $4,026.00 to be used for a list of eligible projects that would support the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) goals. We chose to focus on two library needs. One, we have tablets for kids that are…