Our Mission


Est. 1996 in partnership with the Loup City Public School 800 N 8th St.  Loup City.

308-745-1589.  loupcitylibrary@hotmail.com
Over 25,000 items available!
*10 computers available for public use. Wi-Fi is available
*DVDs and VHS movies are available for check-out for one week to patrons, at no cost.
*A variety of fun cake pans may be checked out for a week.
*Check out our selection of books on CD and large print books.
*We have Overdrive! Since November of 2012, we have subscribed to Overdrive, an online library of ebooks/audiobooks. Check us out on the web at Nebraska Overdrive, all you need to know is your four digit library card number and a PIN.  Overdrive may also be utilized through the Libby app.
*Magazines, newspapers, cookbooks, craftbooks, and much more!

School Librarian : Candy Augustyn
Public Librarian : Audrey Heil

Current Board Members

  • Lisa Harrington
  • Yvonne Griffin
  • Judy McFadden
  • Amy Kowalski
  • Karen Anderson   (President / Chair)
Board Meets: Once a month

The MISSION of the Loup City Library is to provide informational, cultural, educational and recreational resources and services to all residents of Sherman County. The Library seeks to accomplish its mission by providing access to a broad range of materials and services to meet the present and future needs of the community it serves. In this effort the Loup City – Sherman County Library cooperates with other libraries, community and governmental agencies and institutions. The Library will comply with the laws and regulations of the State of Nebraska and the Children’s Internet Protection law as it pertains to Freedom of Information.

 Posted by at 2:47 pm

  One Response to “Our Mission”

  1. Dear Teachers and Librarians:

    As coordinator of National History Day in Central Nebraska, I would like to ask for your help. History Day, a national program for youth grades 6-12, offers students an opportunity to explore history, use their imagination and creativity, and gain experience presenting their work in public. It also offers them an opportunity to compete at district, state and national levels for awards and scholarships. Studies show that students who participate in History Day are more likely to perform better in college. And History Day meshes well with state and national assessment standards.

    We very much want to expand the number of Central Nebraska schools involved in the History Day program, and would like to make contact with interested teachers and students. Because History Day offers a variety of competition categories, projects may be mentored by Language Arts teachers, speech teachers, drama coaches, computer or web-design teachers, or librarians as well as history and social studies teachers. History Day also makes an excellent program for Home School students, for scout troops, 4-H, and for church youth groups or confirmation classes.

    We know that teachers are busy and can only do so much with their limited time. In many districts, retired teachers, moms and dads, and youth workers from the community volunteer their time to mentor History Day projects. We want to reach as many students in your school district as possible. We would love to have you take on History Day as a class project, but if you cannot commit to History Day this year, we would still love to hear from any interested students or parents who might like to participate.

    I am attaching a copy of our 2015 History Day brochure, which has my contact information. More information, including curriculum guides and the contest rule book, can be downloaded at the National History Day Nebraska website (nationalhistoryday.org). Would you please take a moment to look over the program and consider getting involved this year?

    If you cannot commit to History Day as a class project, could you make this information available to your students and encourage any who may be interested in participating to contact me at rohrerjr@unk.edu? Also, would it be possible for you to identify other teachers or potential mentors in your community and make them aware of this opportunity?

    Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback about National History Day in Central Nebraska.


    James Rohrer
    Department of History
    University of Nebraska-Kearney
    Kearney, NE 68849

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