May 142014

11Schoooools out for Summer! 

Congratulations on completing another year of school kids!  Parents – congratulations on surviving another year of school.  With the school year behind us, we are all going to be getting into a whole new routine for these upcoming summer months.  With this in mind, we moved up the start of our summer hours to begin the first full week after school is out.  May 19th is the start of the new schedule.

The library will now be closed Sunday AND Monday.

Tuesdays will be longer, with morning hours. 9am-1pm and 2pm-6pm.

Wednesdays remain the same, 2pm-8pm.

Thursdays and Fridays also remain the same, 2pm-6pm.

Saturdays remain the same with hours from 2pm-5pm.

The computer rule for the children will take affect after this week. Beginning with the summer schedule, the children will only be allowed one hour per child per day. Exceptions will be made to those working on a project.

We look forward to seeing you!

 Posted by at 7:29 pm